Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Detoxing and Patience Working Together

It's the beginning of week five and quite frankly, I never would have imagined that I could actually commit to something of this magnitude! 

My usuals have become fleeting memories of an out of control existence.  Do I think about them as much, somewhat.  It's not an everyday do or die situation, but I do think about my treat buddies.  Those little gremlins that pull me into that sweet white cube addiction mode, albeit ever so slightly before I get a grip and toss them gratefully into the universe. 

I've been contemplating about the redness that still remains around my eyes.  The swelling is pretty much gone which makes me feel like a beautiful swan postured so confidently on the water.  A swan?  Where did that come from?  Maybe it's because I can hold my head up high and have red circles around my eyes just like a swan who has black circles around her eyes.  Let's call it a trade mark.  Makes it sound so beemingly glorious! 

There is this little word, DETOX, that has so many different responses within the human body and within the human spirit.  I remember my sweet friend Liz who found out that she had a form of cancer that was going to take her no matter what she did.  But what she did do was to discover detoxing her body was the best way to be able to handle the affects of the cancer better.  yes...better.  Cancer has it's own little nasty personality and to continue eating sugar and toxic foods that actually feed cancer, Liz decided to teach cancer a lesson.  I know adrinal cortical carcinoma had no idea who it was dealing with! 

Liz went all raw with her diet and called me and asked me if I would like to go along with her.  Of course!  Was my response.  She knew that we were common in our diets and she needed someone to share in this with her.  A friend.  (her adoring husband was totally supportive, but for us girls, friendship is a pretty big deal.)

As she detoxed, she would call me and tell me that she started getting rashes all over her body and in weird places too.  She would tell me, "I guess this is another process I'm going to have to be patient with".  I could sense her frustration yet I totally admired her steadfastness in being patient through the process.  That's not to say she didn't have her not so patient days!

One of the things Liz discovered was that make-up was the most toxic thing we women use on our bodies.  Especially lip stick and nail polish! Lipstick mostly because we ingest the stuff.  YIKES!! 

Speaking of detoxing, I recently read about a lady who used Young Living Eye Cream on her eyes and they puffed up like crazy.  She continued to use the product as she learned about her eyes detoxing from all that makeup.  Her eyes recovered and she still uses this product today.  Another friend of mine said that her sister used essential oils around her eye orbit and they got all puffy but when she quit using the oils, the puffiness left and all things became normal again.  It kind of all makes sense doesn't it? 

As I learned about these stories of essential oils and swelling orbits, it brought me to a greater understanding of just how toxic our bodies are and how detoxing manifests itself in do many different ways.  The hard part is being patient while we walk around looking like we've become a street fighter without all the bruising. 

Overall, I'm learning and appreciating patience.  Especially the ability to be patient through this process which has moved into a whole nuther sphere.  I would have never expected that detoxing and patience would be a sand box I'd be playing in.  I'm ready.  I'm listening.  I'm engaged. 

Let's see what this week will bring.  We all love surprises don't we?


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