Sunday, March 30, 2014

Big 'Dill'

Week five of my breaking free of the little white cube (sugar) was a big 'dill'!  I learned tons about myself, what and where I want to be in my life. 

I want to live!  I want to be a positive influence to those around me!  I want to be the ONE who has walked through a fire so many struggle to walk through!  Most of all....I want to be HAPPY! 
Yes...I own this song! 

Throughout this past week, I've experienced so many thoughts and feelings about myself.  I can actually say, for the FIRST time in my life, I have gained self respect and I care about me!

Silly?  NO.  Absolutely not!  Did I gain this self respect just by breaking free of the little white cube known as sugar?  YES! YES! and YES!!!  I finally have control of what goes in my body!  Still a struggle...of course it is.  That's why this is such a big 'dill'!

If you were to ask me if I would feel this way when I started this journey, I would not have had an answer for you because I had no idea what this journey would bring.  It's been fascinating to say the least!

I feel lighter as my muscles and bones feel stronger.  Not so weighed down by all the crap I was consuming every dang day.  (I'll post about what healthy additions I've put into my diet to help with the de-toxing later)

On the days where I have setbacks, I turn to my belief system.  I pray for strength and guidance to make the right choices to help me continue on this journey until it leads me to where I need to be.  How long will this take?  No idea.  There in lies the beauty!  The scary unknown.  (which I seem to be embracing for some reason)

Over all......not only am I a big flippin' dill, this whole journey is a big flippin' dill!

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