Thursday, March 20, 2014


Can I say this any louder?  THIS is one of my strongest weaknesses.  If that makes any sense.  To top it off, summer is coming and this vice is my cool down usual on a 100% humidity 95 degree day! 

Through my third week of my Breaking Free of the white cube, I really came to realize that we are all bombarded with sugar no matter where we go!

Parties, gatherings at the parks for a grand BBQ, we drive by bakeries, cup cake shops, and the grocery store....don't get me started!  It's on practically every isle and creams you at the checkout counter!

Let's chat a little bit about holidays.  Easter is coming up and next to Christmas, and Halloween, it's the biggest creator of sugary goodness!  I try every year to change that with my grandchildren, but alas....there's nothing more important than those squishy marshmallow bunnies!  NOTHING!!  ....they are my fave!...

Is dissolving the cube thing getting easier?  In some respects it is.  The "reward" after good performance or the "soothing" after a rough day is still very much a reality.  A constant battle of wills...mind trying to take over the will of the spirit so to speak.  Yet I hear my spirit remind me about how much better I feel without it and it's not really what I want.  ....yes...I am listening!

Living a healthy life is just more than giving it lip service or thinking about changing; it's totally about ACTION.  It's about being OK giving up the things you think you love to become the person you truly love because you actually FEEL and FIND love for yourself in the process.

 BREAK FREE ~ FIND and LOVE YOURSELF!  Regardless of how long it takes!

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